Better upon the third viewing, but still no more than decent, really
10 June 2009
My opinion of The World is Not Enough has varied over the years. When I was 10, I loved it, despite the dull middle part. When I was somewhat older, I watched it again and found it to be mediocre, with long stretches of tedium in between the pyrotechnics, with Pierce Brosnan the only one to really make an impression (my Casino Royale review had a few unkind words to say about it). I've watched it again. I do think it is a little better than mediocre. Although there are some sizable dull periods, the middle part is somewhat more interesting than I remember (as the true nature of Sophie Marceau's character is gradually revealed). The ending is clichéd, the quality of the acting is inconsistent and I still maintain that the movie adheres to the 'Bond plot structure', only to not as detrimental an effect as I remembered.

Well, I must say that, no matter when I viewed it, the beginning was always spectacular and, IMO, the best part of the film. Not only does Bond get himself into an altercation within the first few minutes of the film, but after an assassination takes place, Bond pulls out all of the stops in chasing down his killer, including firing torpedoes, going underwater, travelling on the roads...in a rocket-powered boat, no less! The middle part, like I said, does drag for long periods, but there are a few isolated spots of excitement, like when Bond goes and kills one of Renard's top henchmen. The development of Elektra King's character in this part, given what she would become, is also interesting. She appears to be a damsel-in-distress, but as Bond analyses her actions and intentions, her demeanour gradually changes and the facade begins to slip.

The fight scenes at the end are entertaining. Given the adherence to the Bond plot structure, this is to be expected. Not much more can be said.

The acting was uneven. Renard (Robert Carlyle) was not amongst the best Bond villains, but he was creepy enough, I guess. Coltrane, from GoldenEye, is OK, whilst Sophie Marceau was actually pretty good. She is, IMO, beautiful and she certainly turned on the sex quotient effectively. Indeed, the scene with her and Brosnan when he was tied to a garrote was compulsive viewing. As for Brosnan, he makes for a fine 007, making his character seem suave and self-assured without looking like a knob. Judi Dench too, was actually better than I remembered - she was more fluid and inventive (witness her using an old battery clock at the end) and less stereotypical. Denise Richards, unfortunately, is both a terrible casting choice and unconvincing as a nuclear scientist (I mean, come on...).

Ultimately, The World is Not Enough is a decent film. It's no classic - to me, it's just another Bond film. However, it's still worth seeing once (or maybe more if you're a Bond buff).

3/5 stars
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