Twilight (I) (2008)
The 'I do not care' Attitude Shows
18 April 2009
I will be the first to admit that when Summit said they were going to bring Twilight to the big screen I was excited. When they announced that Katherine was going to be the director my excitement increased, having seen Thirteen I knew that there was potential there for a movie with bite. I was very disappointed in the movie.

If looking at Twilight as a movie (not taking into consideration the book what so ever) it is awful. There is little character development, suspense or plot. (Granted there is not much plot in the book written by Meyer) I like many others, found myself laughing at parts that WERE NOT suppose to be funny and wishing that Kristen Stewart (who plays Bella) would give me something. I felt like I was watching an episode of a televisions series (insert any name here) that I was wishing would end in the death of all those involved. I mean yeah, Robert Pattinson is not bad to look at, but he must be more than a pretty face. He seemed closed (as he should be) but he never really opens up as a believable boy who has fallen in love for the first time. I spent most of the time wondering why he cares about this girl (Bella) who is average in every way and annoys you with her signs and inability to make you care about her. Let the vampire eat her and that would have been more exciting.

Perhaps I am being to harsh on the producers of this movie (but, there are honestly people out there who thought that this was good? I know it made a lot of money but that does not mean good), but if I were to look at this as a movie, with no previous knowledge of the book, it would maybe get 2 stars, it is awful. I am giving it 4 for the scenery and the music, which was the highlight of the film.

They say sometimes it takes some time to grow into a character, I hope Kristen and Rob can. If not, I fear more disappointment. (Enough of the "I do not care" attitude from these two- start caring, your career depends on it- get BETTER)

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