Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Passenger (1993)
Season 1, Episode 9
Powerful, edge of your seat dramatic adventure...
5 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
First-rate story,writing. direction, and acting by both regulars and guest stars combine to produce one of the best installments of the first season.

In particular, Alexander Siddig is outstanding and really shines here, giving a powerful performance in a dual role. Guest star Julie Caitlin Brown also turns in a convincing performance as the cold and ruthless Ty Kajada, and we get to learn a bit more about the relationship between Odo and Sisko here, too. Excellent direction by Paul Lynch keeps you constantly guessing in this suspenseful adventure that plays very much like an Alfred Hitchcock spy mystery.

The only weak link in the chain is that of Lieutenant Primmin, played sincerely but ineffectively by James Lashly. The fault here is not so much Lashly's performance as it is the fact that he is simply miscast in this role; his affable manner and genial appearance do not make him threatening enough to be believable to be as a member of the intimidating & mysterious Starfleet Security (sort of like John Goodman trying to play a CIA agent- good actor, but wrong part). Apparently, the producers felt the same, way, too, for after one more appearance in the next episode, "Move Along Home", Lt. Primmin "sailed off into the stars" and was never seen in the Star Trek universe again.

Highly entertaining, with many unexpected twists and turns. I give it a 9 out of 10.
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