Simply put...
29 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Simply put...****ing awful. Almost everything that a good horror film is in my mind has been perfectly contrasted in this 'Last House' remake. First off, honestly, the movie is just downright boring. It starts you out with very little, something mildly grizzly. And then takes way too long, that's the flat and boring story chugging along, to get to anything else entertaining. What probably bothered me the most was how they threw in some really cheap (and poorly portrayed) shock value material to make up for the lack of well plotted suspense. I referred to it as a "mock-devil's rejects moment". And then the gore was so sparingly used, so badly built up to, that when it DID happen, it's let-down factor was roughly 10x more disappointing than socks for your birthday. While Last House wasn't entirely devoid of a single good moment. It was close enough. I can't fathom how it gets 7.1 here. (at time of my review) I give it a 2, and it gives me a dunce cap for wasting $20 to spend an hour and a half trying to stay awake.
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