The International (I) (2009)
Just About As Good As Hot Cornbread With Butter And Honey
15 February 2009
"Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn," about who wrote this new movie, The International, or who directed it, or who changed the lenses, et cetera. This excellent action, adventure and espionage thriller about a carnivorous cabal inside an international financial giant was worth the price of the ticket and then some. It was worth the time it takes to go back and see the film, having been turned away on the first try because The International was sold out !! It was that good.

If you don't like Clive Owen because he was in The Children of Men then you will probably like him in this clever mash-up. If you liked Clive Owen in the aforementioned apocalypticon then stick a high-voltage chocolate bar in your pantaloons and go see The International soonest.

The cinematography is great. The pace is deliberate. The sound is very good and no dialog is lost to random machine noises, as there is not much talking in the amazing shoot-out sequence at the art museum.

There is a legitimate criticism that has been made about this film, which is that Naomi Watts -- who is very talented and very beautiful -- does NOT have enough to do in a very mission-critical role.

That is really just about all the criticism I have read, that I can agree with ....

The plot is excellent. It is easy to follow even if it is highbrow.

The story proceeds logically. No heavy lifting involved, mentally speaking, and most of the dots do get connected by the end of the show.

Bankers handle money, money is about labor, and labor is about the work of our lives. If you cannot grasp those connections then just be happy in knowing that The International is fun to watch. If you can grasp those connections, then you are going to enjoy this film just like a starving man enjoys a full plate of hot cornbread sopping with butter and honey. Cold milk for the drink is optional.
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