Blood Monkey (2006 Video)
Another terrible 'Creature Feature'.
3 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
BloodMonkey starts as five young promising students arrive at an isolated jungle location in the middle of nowhere, they are there at the request of scientist Conrad Hamilton (F. Murray Abraham) who has been exploring an untouched region of the forest, a large valley he has named 'Hamilton's Crater'. Despite a less than friendly atmosphere Hamilton convinces the teenage students to follow him into the uncharted jungle & valley where they are attacked by large Ape like creatures that have evolved independently by themselves isolated from the rest of the world in the valley. They are vicious predator's who don't seem to like human beings that much & like to kill us but Hamilton is determined to take a specimen back to civilisation & become famous & rich & all that sort of stuff, however the Apes have different ideas...

This straight-to-video/DVD Thai production was directed by Robert Young & as far as Sci-Fi Channel 'Creature Features' go it's just as crap as most of the other's they see fit to subject the world to. The script takes ages to get going, in fact the first hour of BloodMonkey is total boredom as we follow these annoying American teenage students about & then there's the less than subtle ways in which Hamilton acts which just screams 'I'm the bad guy' (all he needed was a moustache to twirl) & the way that these dumb students still keep following him & trusting him. I thought these kids were meant to be clever? Eventually after what seems like an eternity the film kicks into gear & instead of seeing these annoying American teenagers walk around the jungle we get to see these annoying American teenagers run around the jungle! Wow, thanks guy's. The plot sucks too, it's dull, predictable & boring & if these killer Apes have never ventured beyond the valley why does that Chenne bird have to scare one away when the students first arrive? Also how does Hamilton expect to get one of those Ape things back to civilisation exactly? Why does Hamilton think he can capture one when these Ape things have killed everyone else who has gone anywhere near them? The character's are really annoying & it's a relief when they all get killed, you really will be rooting for the Monkey's here. To be fair I have no problem with feeding annoying teenagers to mutant Monkey's but this film proves it doesn't make for particularly good entertainment, sorry but it's true.

The entire film is set in the jungle & it gets a bit repetitive by the end. Unusually the monster in this 'Creature Feature' isn't shown until the very last scene in the film & to me just looked like a smaller King Kong than anything else, the rest of the time the makers hide it & it is not seen at all which either show's restraint on the makers part or the budget was so low they couldn't afford special effects. You decide. The film isn't scary or tense & there's not much of an atmosphere either, one could class BloodMonkey as much a thriller as horror I suppose. There's not much gore, there's some dead bodies, a bit of blood splatter, a bloody face, an impaling & a severed hand.

I am guessing the budget was pretty low & as such it looks unremarkable at best, shot in Krabi in Thailand probably at the same time as various other 'Creature Feature' films like The Hive (2008) about alien controlled killer Ant's. The acting isn't that good & I suspect Oscar winning actor F. Murray Abraham took the part for the free holiday in Thailand & why not?

BloodMonkey is yet another awful Sci-Fi Channel 'Creature Feature' that's just as bad as the rest of them, I have seen so many of these things they really are starting to get on my nerves. Don't waste your time or money on this, there is much better out there if you look.
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