7 January 2009
A long long film. In the end, the huge ship bursts into pieces , I felt a light , slight, mild or inconspicuous anguish in my heart, but sudden and short.

The first scene of adult 1900, he walked into the ballroom, followed by the trumpet player. Sitting at the piano, he played beautiful music while the piano dancing on the ground. Startling graceful, this maybe the most accurate adjective to describe the scene, music, piano, dancing, pianist, everyone in that ballroom, even the awkward trumpet player. I think most audience would have the same feeling with me at this scene: 1900 is a different protagonist . With great talent for music , he brought so many amazement to people on that passenger liner as well as the audience, especially he competes with that so-called greatest pianist from shore, completely stunning! However, I feel the theme of this film is of sadness though I totally lost in the main idea people who create it would like to express. 1990 is afraid of the ashore life, maybe just like I am afraid of Hitchcock, Agatha . But it should be different, my fear comes from the thrilling scene ( maybe not thrilling at all in others' opinion) , the suspenseful plot or deep shadowiness of human being……If I have not read a novel or watched a film like that, I would never know my scare at this, even it haunts me like nightmare when I am alone , I am still curious and willing to accept the "horrible" novel or film when it comes to me occasionally.

Unknown fear of ashore life confined 1990 to the ship , in which he was raised up and played tremendously "magic music" . To him, land is even more terrible than death. Sometimes people like a fragile rose on a thin golden stem, delicate, exquisite but weak and helpless. Feeling makes human powerful , at the same time, it can destroy human 's outlook, hope and life. More talented, more sensitive; more sensitive, more fragile; more fragile, more touching , it's a perfect description of literature, fine arts, music ,drama and life!
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