Atonement (2007)
Human nature at its best
9 December 2008
Atonement tells a story, not a typical world war story. The war is there, no case trying to ignore it, but it is only the frame for this masterpiece, watching it makes us remember there were times in which upper social classes determined the destiny of those less lucky.

This movie portraits our innate tendency to gain control, our human impulse to impose our will regardless the effects it may have on others.

Briony is still a girl about to begin its journey through puberty, her inner perverse thoughts seem to come out after the sleeping period which is childhood. Young Briony is no fool, and finds a way to maintain her desires dormant. Robbie the object of her desire is unreachable, and not only that but he is also naive in believing Briony's purity and rightfulness.

The conflict begins when it becomes noticeable that Robbie loves (and lusts)Cecilia, Briony's older sister. And as you may predict, feelings are intense and unbearable for the younger sister. Just like in real life, control is set by the Machiavelical thinkers, not by the innocent and well intended.

Atonement is nothing short from being a Greek tragedy in which defying destiny brings terrible consequences. Cecilia and Robbie should have known that a Love that intense would only destroyed them, Society warned them it was not for them to decide, that the rules were pretty clear, they would not be together.

Great performances transmit exactly what is meant to be transmitted, Love is not enough, not in this world; on the contrary the world conspires against those who show that which most of us do not have, mutual unconditional love.

During the last couple of years the film industry has not been as appealing as before, at least that is the word on the street. What is the case of having 200 mediocre movies when you only get a handful of movies that are really worth reflecting on. I honestly think that Atonement is part of this select group.
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