Plot Doesn't Make Sense- More Holes than Swiss Cheese
21 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
It's impossible to believe that a woman who has a child with a terminal illness and is a doctor decides to end her boy's suffering when it becomes intolerable would not be found innocent or get a minimal sentence. Who defended her at her trial a blind, deaf mute? I mean come on! Any half wit could have avoided a 15 year sentence for his client even if she didn't say a word during the trial.

Then there's the age difference. The main character is supposed to be a doctor. Med school plus internship she'd be at least 35. Her sister is supposed to have been 8 when the crime was committed. A 27 year difference in their ages and yet the younger sister alluded many times in the movie about their growing up together. Huh? Was the doctor sister studying medicine online from home? Stupid plot error. Then there's the mother who is English. The older (doctor) sister speaks English but the younger sister doesn't. Please explain writers. It's too bad because the movie seemed quite good when I was watching it. It was only after I thought about it that things didn't add up.

There are also minor irritations like her younger sister who is a teacher having a colleague who just happened to teach in a prison so he and the main character can have a potential love interest. And no explanation as to why the parole officer who befriends the main character knocks himself off. How did that add in any way to the story? Or the nutty mother whom the girls visit once and nothing is done with the idea. Or the old medical report on her son's illness just suddenly falls out on the floor so the younger sister can see it and finally realize her sister's motives for killing her own son.

I am mad for Kristin Scott Thomas so seeing this film still was a joy for me. She's outstanding. Just don't expect a plot that makes sense and you will be okay with the movie.
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