Review of Chimera

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Chimera (1999)
Season 7, Episode 14
This is one of my favorite episodes of this wonderful series.
11 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I love DS9 for so many reasons, but the biggest has to be for the deep exploration of the personalities and personal relationships of the characters. This episode is a prime example.

Odo finds another changeling and ultimately has to choose whether or not to leave his life on DS9 behind to find more of his people who are not involved in The Dominion.

I think all of us have been in both Kira's and Odo's positions when it comes to love and relationships. Kira is afraid that she is holding Odo back from what he really wants. Odo feels torn between his desire to be among his own people and his love for Kira.

Kira knows that Odo is torn between his love for her and his desire to go with the other changeling. She doesn't want him to feel obligated to stay with her so she wishes him luck and lets him go.

When you love someone you always want to be everything for them, but that isn't possible. There are times when we have to sacrifice our true heart's desires in order to keep our relationships going. To be able to love someone enough to let them go so they can be truly happy is not easy.

In the end, Odo comes back because he realizes that, for the time being, he belongs with Kira.
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