Review of THX 1138

THX 1138 (1971)
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...
12 September 2008
... George Lucas made a thoughtful, intelligent movie called THX 1138.

Those who prefer space opera to genuine science fiction will be disappointed. "Was he on drugs?" some will wonder. "Why WASN'T he on drugs?" others will protest.

The future dystopia is a staple of the science fiction genre, including such greats as Fritz Lang's "Metropolis," Truffaut's adaptation of Bradbury's "Farenheit 451," and Jean Luc Godard's "Alphaville." THX 1138 belongs in this group of classics.

If you are enough of an immature male to truly enjoy Lucas's interminable "Star Wars" series, you probably will be bored to death with THX 1138. It's most significant special effects generator was the hair clipper used to give all the actors, male and female, that classic antiseptic skinhead look. Nevertheless, it is as socially and intellectually relevant today as it was when Lucas made it back in 1971 -- and, sadly, probably far MORE relevant.

Try it. You just might wish he'd done more like this.
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