Wasting film and talent
22 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I like Uma. She will one day regret making this movie. While some may say that this movie is the result of an artistic mind, it will not be heard from anyone I know who saw the movie. It was obvious from the slow panning at the beginning and became worse as it progressed. Jerking the viewer around with repeated "clips" of the same scenes only made the movie longer and more boring. Developing a storyline and then deleting it for no obvious reason is the work of one with no vision. A good movie has a beginning, a middle and an end. This movie had a very slooooooow beginning, a confused and muddled middle and "the end" did not complete the movie. I've watched a lot of bad movies, hoping that they produce something that I might want to watch again. I have watched some movies that succeeded in this. But "The Life Before Her Eyes" is a movie that I will warn people about and advise them waste their money on something else. This is a piece of junk created by those who have no creative ability... JUNK!
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