Review of Equilibrium

Equilibrium (2002)
Ouch! So bad it hurts...
21 July 2008
I really wanted to like this movie. Really. I tried hard.

I failed.

However, I should note that there are lots of good things about this film... just not enough to save it.

The lead performances are excellent. Christian Bale, Taye Diggs and Emily Watson were all sterling. Sean Bean is as watchable as ever, in a pivotal but sadly brief role.

The action scenes are pretty cool, too. An interesting blend of wuxia and gunplay in a very Eupropean style which is fun and refreshing after a lot of HK and US-trying-to-be-HK fights. And I love the Gun Kata.

Perhaps the best thing about the film is the production design. The sets, costumes, textures and light in Equilibrium are all beautiful.

Unfortunately, the premise is unbelievably stupid.

Not only that, the plot is too.

And the ending would have been laughable if I hadn't been groaning out loud.

Basically, it's an inept ripoff of Ray Bradbury's Farenheit 451, only instead of books being illegal, emotions are.

WHAT?! How the hell did that government get in? I mean, please.

I accept that totalitarian governments with strange ideas have existed and will exist, but the idea of running on a platform of "We will medicate you to remove all your emotions!" is just plain stupid.

The film's references to Librium and Prozac are duly noted. At the time of watching I was unmedicated, but if forced to re-watch it I'll seek out some heavy-duty tranquilisers first.
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