Review of Hancock

Hancock (2008)
Loved two-thirds of it.
6 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
There are some movies I hate at the beginning but warm up to as they progress. There other movies I enjoy at the beginning but hate by the ending. This is one of those strange films where I love the beginning, love the ending, but have issues with the middle.

This MAY be a spoiler but I'll try not to make it so. Suffice it to say that somewhere in the movie, Hancock begins to learn a little about his origins. Shortly after that point ... and during the slow-released tale that becomes an "awakening" for Hancock ... the movie begins to rub me the wrong way. And, it continues to do so up until the liquor store scene (followed by the hospital scene). Then, it picks up to an exciting and heartfelt climax.

Now -- this middle part of the movie was "acted" well. I take nothing away from Will Smith or his "enlightener." But in my opinion, the writing was insulting. Hancock's interaction with his enlightener did NOT (repeat NOT) have to be handled in such a childish manner. The bickering and fighting added NOTHING to the movie. That whole section of the film could have been written SO much better. The movie was already headed in a serious direction and should have continued along that path. Fortunately, the final scenes of the film redeemed the story that was almost destroyed by the idiocy of the film's middle.

Having said all that, however, I want to see a sequel ... several sequels, actually ... IF they are better written throughout the films. With skillful writing, this could end up becoming a franchise for Smith and costars.
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