1 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Well, since comments here are suppose to be about a movie, it's actors, directors, etc and how well they did, I will limit my opening to that.

First, I am pleased when I see a well done movie that does not have a lot of big name actors in it. Nothing against the big names, just that everyone needs a start, and without a big name... the movie is more "believable". The actors in FFN did a very good job.

The movie was done almost as well as a documentary with keeping the movie "feel". The information flows well. However, unlike a documentary FFN gives a glimpse of the background into the individual life's of many people. It shows how something as simple as a fast food restaurant affects so many people.

Now... since FFN has the feel of a documentary, it would be interesting to see how factual it is. Unlike a documentary the "other side" of the story is not presented, other than by Bruce Willis (only big name I saw) who plays a somewhat evil exec. LOL I guess Jack Nicholson was busy! That is why I think it is wrong, if not dangerous to go on about the "political" message of the movie. FFN is intended to be bias, because it is a movie, a story in the true sense of the word.

Many times when we see these documentary what-to-be movies, we mistakenly get taken in thinking that it is all true and factual. This is why the movie can't be sued for libel... it is a "story", literary license and such.

If one is going to base their beliefs, political opinions, and personal choices on a movie such as this, then the industry that is the subject of the movie should get equal time by the producers... aka... a "positive" story about their industry.

Remember the old "Airport" movies? Many people quit flying because of these movies. We look back now and see how totally ridiculous that was.

So, bottom line... well done movie, with a lot of good acting. A good story that should get us to think, look and investigate... but not make choices based on the movie alone.

Warnings and possible spoilers... if you are sensitive to blood, there are parts that you may not want to watch. No big shocks... you will know them when they come along.

LOL... and I guarantee.. you will not be eating meat for a few days after watching this movie!
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