So Bad, it's Beautiful!
26 June 2008
This is simply the most disgusting, horrific, obscene thing I've ever seen or heard! It's so "in-your-face" I couldn't help but stay riveted to it, the entire video and all its sub-sections. The very fact that Penn Gillette & his friend would spend 4 years putting it together, says a lot about how perverse our scociety has become. I Love it! This is precisely the exact stuff my friend & I would dream up and act out in our impromptu comic skits when we were teenagers! Where was Penn Gillette & his recording equipment 40 years ago? I've come to a new admiration of Gilbert Gottfried, until now he ranked just one notch above Pauly Shore on my "can't f$%^&g stand'em" list. But Now I see he KNOWS what he sounds like, how he comes across (no pun intended!) and how to piece together a line and a joke! He's Good! On a somber note, now that George Carlin has passed away, His clips in the video stand in testimony to the elder spokesman of a generation! The performers, one and all, every last one of 'em, get a standing F*** Y*** for their contributions to this classic!
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