A guy's perspective....
31 May 2008
Well before giving my review, I just want to say that I'm straight! And I do like romantic comedies (as long as they're not excessively girly e.g. 13 going on 30!). So this is a straight guy's perspective and not a gay one who went to see the "fabulous" designs!

As a SATC fan, I really loved the movie, and I thought it DELIVERED! The acting was superb, the 4 main stories (each character having one) were very unique but yet very harmonious and WELL resolved. SJP's narration was – as always – v. deep and witty, Samantha remains to be the life of the party (by far the funniest and uninhibited), Charlotte: living in lala land but deadly sweet; and Miranda (my favorite) the most human and the warmest.

The movie can be described as a light hearted romantic comedy, with some "intense" scenes . I don't want to spoil the movie, but seriously guys… or gals… SJP's and Charlotte's performance in those "dramatic" scenes were Oscar worthy, dare I say! The only 2 things I didn't care for in the movie were a certain comment/joke about Mexico that I felt was borderline offensive (even though I'm not Latino or Mexican) and unnecessary (even though kinda funny); and the other thing was Samantha's fiancé. He was totally totally different from SATC the series, and his issue with Samantha was not very well resolved.

I thought the love scenes were too much and too crude! (They actually showed a guy's full frontal!!!). So if anyone's conservative… well you may want to watch the cut version! The movie deserves a solid 8.5/10, and is definitely worth the time and money! Oh and speaking about time, try not to over hydrate urselves cuz the movie is toooo long (2 h 15 m). You wouldn't want to miss a minute to go pee!
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