Get Smart: Double Agent (1966)
Season 1, Episode 16
Bad Max, Good Show
28 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Very imaginative episode where Max has to convince everyone, including 99 that he's gone bad in order to try and infiltrate KAOS. Only the Chief knows Smart is actually working undercover.

Adams is great in several wonderful scenes. In one, he tries to show KAOS that he's a gambler and keeps losing--only he keeps winning everything he tries! In another using an "absorbo" pill to absorb all the alcohol he's drinking, he tries to prove he's become a violent drunk by starting a fight with the Chief. He ends up breaking several bottles over the Chief's head when it appears the KAOS observer missed the action. There's also a funny bit when Max tries to break a bottle on the bar to come after the Chief with the jagged edges.

The ending is great when Smart discovers everyone running the KAOS operation are also government infiltrators--from the FBI, the CIA and Military Intell! Adams and Feldon also get a nice scene together where Max has to break her heart by convincing her he doesn't like her and they're through. Feldon has never been more effective.
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