18 March 2008
I have waited for this movie to become available to my eyes and ears for so long. Finally, on DVD release, I went out and rented it. I have never seen anything like it.

I will go ahead and admit that 90% of the plot is way over my head and that no matter how many times I re-watch it, I will never understand everything going on. I'd be willing to bet that most of the actors thought Richard Kelly was completely insane but did what he asked of them because they were getting paid. Despite its very confusing story, it was so good. It had this flow where the story was constantly moving which few films have (much of the steady pace can be attributed to the terrific musical score by Moby).

I have one guess for why this very unknown movie is so unpopular by the few people who have seen it: they misunderstand it. And of course, people always hate what they do not understand. So I have one piece of advice for the rest of you who have not watched it but plan to: do not bother trying to get it. It does not demand as much thought as you may think. Just sit back and enjoy the ride.
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