Lost: The Economist (2008)
Season 4, Episode 3
Torturer, Diplomat, Hit-man
23 February 2008
Jack deals with Frank and proposes to bring Charlotte back; in return, Frank would take Sayid to the ship. Frank accepts and Sayid seeks Locke with Kate and Miles, and when they meet each other, Sayid trades Miles per Charlotte. Meanwhile, in a flash-forward, Sayid becomes a hit-man and travels to Berlin, where he meets Elsa and has a brief affair with her.

"The Economist" is another episode where there is no new revelation or answer to the countless unresolved mysteries of the island. The most intriguing is the situation of Sayid in the future as a hit-man and the identity of his boss. My vote is eight.

Title (Brazil): Not Available

Note: On 13 April 2013, I saw this episode again on DVD.
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