Get Carter (1971)
Pure Class
23 January 2008
Get Carter sees Michael Caine returning to the North East to avenge the apparent accidental death of his brother. Whilst not receiving the acclaim it deserved following it's release in 1971, the film is now a classic, a dark look at life inside the criminal underworld of the North East. The film is dark and gritty. The scenes of Tyneside are unpolished and the cinematography allows us to feel the coldness of each location. Caine is at his best playing brutal racketeer Carter and he delivers his rough justice without soul or emotion.

Critics of this film may try to compare it against Quentin Tarantino's modern works, but this is far better. There is violence and the killings are cold and premeditated, but it is acted and directed with skill leading the viewer to believe that retribution was justified.
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