First half genius, 2nd half so-so
19 January 2008
I reckon I ain't the best movie reviewer around. Too many go into too much detail, as if they're hoping to get recognized and hired to do it professionally. If you've read two, you already know more than I could tell you, so I'll get to the point: There were scenes in the first half that are among the most intriguing I've ever witnessed. The whole business of building the big the oil derrick, getting the gusher, and the resulting fire at sunset in the desert were mesmerizing. The evil sounding music from the beginning to this scene worked brilliantly. Daniel D. Lewis is fantastic as the manic man striving to build an empire, and that crazy preacher kid is fun to watch as well. Like many, I found the ending disappointing, and in general, Daniel's descent into paranoid madness was a bit sad. If you've ever seen Italo-American masterpiece 1900, you may sense some similarities, but there I think it is more gripping. If you're a film buff, you must see this movie.
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