more movies like this PLEASE!
12 January 2008
maybe the movie of the year... 2007 and 2008?? could be. this was a very impressive movie that delivered with all the hype it was getting, people were saying this was the best coen brother movie yet and all this and that. i don't know if its the best coen brother movie, but its quite up there. maybe top 3. it just depends on what kind of coen brother movie you want. a fantastic film, a great cat and mouse thriller with great performances by both the main characters. especially the wild haired hit-man with the silenced shotgun and the air hose gun thing. the scene in the convenience store with the guy flipping the coin was maybe the scene of the decade, pure gold. tommy lee jones was usually great, its about time he did a coen brothers movie. no music at all i don't believe, and if you can pull a movie off without music then you have really done something and this did! ill have to watch it again to fully understand it, maybe read the book. but easily a top 3 movie of 2007-08!
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