Cheerleader Autopsy (2003 Video)
Stinky Picture Productions..... Need You Know More? ....If You Insist Then...
8 January 2008
OK I'll be honest.... I stumbled across this little...... GEM lets call it, since that sounds classier than TURD, while i was looking up cheerleader porn.... So why did I expect anything less than crap? (ooo if i got it looking for porn.. it HAS to be good... its a sign! its a sign!)

It's hilarious how every other movie recommended for people who enjoyed this title is a 10 star movie. First off i'd like to clarify that this is in no way a horror film, but purely a comedy for sick puerile freaks... hehehe :D

It only took me about 10 minutes to realize it was a stupid ass movie, and I have a rule where if its revealed to be total worthless trash before its a quarter done, then i just stop it and move on to something else, but in this case, it actually WAS somewhat amusing and at a running time of only 80 minutes i figured "why not" It may be low budget, but it shines through as your typical drunken party movie. the atmosphere is just like "beerfest" only slightly more stupid, slightly less funny, and slightly sicker, and with a production name of "stinky pictures", expect a lot of fart jokes.

The director however is not inept. The movie is self consciously stupid; the huge penis transplant, people getting shot and instantly turning to charred corpses in the next scene. The flashback sequence with the businessman is hilarious as a purposefully bad advertisement parody. The Cleverest funny line was when the janitor is spying through the bushes in front of the window and the 2 inside say "what was that?" ... "i dunno, but it sounded like a cow pissing on some leaves" ....heh heh... which indeed was an accurate description. it's like if someone knocks on the door; "Who is that" ... "I don't know but they seem to be at the door." ...yeaaah, though funny as it was I began looking at the clock saying "phew... hurry up and finish." at the 50 minute mark

It can in no way scare or shock, as the corpses in every case are obviously fake, and even though a legless 1 armed girl is sexually exploited and then snuffed, shes slutty, bitchy, and doesn't exist as a character but has the on screen presence of a self aware plot device. "I lost both legs and an arm and the side of my face is missing... but are my tits and ass still intact? .....good then I'm still sssexy" (I was quoting, not paraphrasing) Honestly, even Jesus or the Dalai Lama wouldn't be inspired to feel ANYTHING for the characters on screen. SO if the Dalai lama ever comes to your community, be sure to ask him to stop by for a few beers to confirm this.

Like another reviewer mentioned, a cool aspect of this film is how EVERY single character is a total degenerate bastard, and most of the characters DO have strong screen presence. The plot of "we're selling corpses to a dog food factory, and we now have to deal with a handful of dead cheerleaders and their coach, and the witness we clubbed to death" was pretty interesting, though the idea that any valable company could sustain itself on the mortuary of a small country town, or would find that a cheaper worthwhile means of acquiring meat, especially given the obvious legal and moral dilemmas, is absolutely moronic.

If this movie tried harder and wasn't so self consciously stupid, and had a more thought out plot, more wit.... and wasn't a piece of junk in general, it could have been a cult classic... but that would be another movie altogether. As it is, I can even see a fringe group being proud to own a copy, so If you decide to watch this movie thats one thing... but if you took the time to read this long ass review about it, and if you're a crude sick freak... then you HAVE to watch it, if only to avoid long ass reviews on movies such as "dark harvest." and "attack of the killer tomatoes"
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