In search of the Holy Grail
14 November 2007
A radio DJ, Jack, becomes despondent after one of his listeners goes on a killing rampage in New York City. Later he meets up with a homeless man, Parry, whose wife happened to be killed in the shooting. While Parry is clearly insane, Jack decides to help him on his quest for the Holy Grail and in his pursuit of a girl, in order to help himself get over the tragedy.

The entire cast is wonderful in their roles. I'm not much of a Robin Williams fan, but this is one role that fits him perfectly, and he does a great job. As others have stated, the Grand Central Station waltz is a great part of movie magic. I also quite enjoyed the monologue given by none other than Tom Waits. This is a funny and touching story about insanity, redemption, hope and love. Anyone looking for an unconventional love story, look no further.
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