Blade Runner (1982)
Blade Runner
6 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
First I have to say the version I've seen is "Blade Runner: The Final Cut", and I'm eager to see the other versions of this film. I can't think of a better way to start a movie than it's done here. While the credits are shown ominous music resounds and then you see the first images of "Blade Runner": A sight of Los Angeles in the year 2019 that looks like something as close as it gets to hell. Furthermore this foreboding gets confirmed, this film shows a bleak place, where all humans live like robots and no joy seems to have space. Many films have a dark vision of the future for their topic, but on the visual side I think I've seen nothing better than this. It is a film made for the big screen. But also the story of the replicants is great because it's filled with so much subtle sadness. Do we have the right to create robots that are able to feel? There is more than a bit scepticism about progress in "Blade Runner".
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