Ratatouille (2007)
Some kids might enjoy while others might find it VERY boring
14 October 2007
This is not the best Disney Pixar movie, although it is quite enjoyable, great voice overs for all the characters but the film just isn't that funny, it tries VERY hard to be, but just fails to be that funny. You might laugh once or twice and i suspect that might be it. A lot of the kids at the cinema got bored watching this and were looking behind them and trying to find something more exciting to watch, while parents and other adults alike were falling asleep, so thats not very positive. the makers did try hard with some great animation and some exciting parts! the rats were really cute! but it just lacked the usual I LOVE THIS MOVIE attitude Disney-pixar animations normally have, it's OK but your missing nothing here. They did great with the promotion for this animation, the clips are more funny that the actual film.
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