Review of 1408

1408 (2007)
Don't rush out to watch this...
29 September 2007
John Cusack truly holds this film up on his own, a good hour in total is just John Cusack and nobody else, just John Cusack and the tension along with twists and cool affects, There's not many faces, and the film doesn't hang around, not a lot of build up just straight to the storyline, you will be confused, very confused, and if your not too depressed after the first viewing you will have to watch this again, and again, to try and piece together and understand this very strange story from Stephen King, but of course if you know Stephen King, you'll know thats his kind of movie. It's not your typical horror, you get very lost in the story and a lot of the time, it does not make much sense, i'm not sure it really qualifies as a horror just a spooky, make you confused, and depressed kind of film. There is more exciting films to watch out there, and i would recommend them first. If you like Samuel L. Jackson there's not a lot of him but plenty of John Cusack. John is a great actor and shows it in this, but it's just not a great film, you could say a little boring not enough tension, maybe could've done more to make it more exciting. Samuel could of played a better role, more involved, he was just a name for the promotional poster and trailer. This film will no doubt get forgotten nothing special.
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