The Brave One (2007)
Great job by Foster and Howard
14 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I only went to see this movie today because my wife and mother-in-law wanted to see it and I'm always willing to tag along -- if only for the popcorn. I have to say that I was very impressed with Jodie Foster's portrayal of a disgruntled former victim. Terrence Howard has impressed me since Crash and looks to become a future star if he continues performances such as this one. Even the supporting cast did a great job. This movie was not fantastic, but very good and worth checking out.

If I have any complaint it would be the message itself. While I'm not one to campaign for the rights of criminals (I think they're given WAY too many breaks, but this isn't a political commentary), I can't agree with the message of this movie; that being: don't wait for the police to do nothing, go out there and get revenge! Many people in the theater I saw this movie at were outright cheering every time a criminal was shot. While they probably did deserve what they got, I don't agree that someone gunning down people with an automatic pistol should be glorified. I also disagree with any police officer who aids in such "justice".

That being said, the movie itself was very good. I'd recommend it over many of the other films that I've spent money on over the past month or two. You won't be disappointed by the film itself, as long as you can separate it from your personal views on the subject matter.
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