Simply put, one of the best action prequel flicks yet!
15 July 2007
Having seen this film later than the majority of people on here, I can honestly say that Die Hard 4.0 really did live up to the hype. It was such a cool, action packed film from the start, till the finish.

Bruce Willis, although not up-to-par McClane, gave a pretty decent performance of middle aged cop John McClane. The storyline was something to be questioned, and was very far-fetched in terms of depth and linguistic jargon that was used throughout. This was however, completely cast aside, by some of the best action sequences I have seen in such a long time. At last, stunts and explosions that used limited CGI to great effect.

Right from the word go, its typical Die Hard. McClane gets caught up in crossfire from an Internet terrorist group exterminating hackers, whilst trying to escort a "top" hacker to the FBI for questioning. Its literally from the first 10 minutes, that you get your first shell-shocking apartment blast up. Quality stuff.

Like all the Die Hard movies, the villains are cool (and pretty bad!) and the action is slick, gritty, tense and brilliantly executed. I have to say though, Thomas Gabriel (played by Timothy Olyphant) was pretty poor in comparison to some of the other bad guys, but gave a decent (but in some cases, damn cheesy) performance. Justin Long played the nerdy hacker to perfection, with one or two minor blips in performance, but he was passable and gave the film a funny edge with his quirky one liners and gags.

One thing I will say though, Willis wasn't "classic" McClane, he wasn't as blasphemic as usual. But he made up for it in the action sequences. You did get the Yippy-Kay-Ay, but not right until the end. For a 15 certificate, you actually didn't get a lot of bad language or violence for your buck. This didn't matter though, because this films pace kept you focused and ready for the next action packed sequence.

At times you felt as though it would let you down, but then it would throw down a gauntlet right in front of you.

I honestly recommend though, you go in with an open-mind and enjoy it. Its an action flick. But a damn good one!
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