Kevin Spacey - Need I say more?
1 June 2007
I remember seeing this film back in the year 2000 or so and as I didn't remember so much about it, I decided to have another go and I watched it again two days ago, after 7 years. I actually remembered a lot more than I thought, which was a shame really as I seemed to remember all the crucial parts which were significant for the whole plot. Anyway, it is still a great movie and I can imagine it is one of those movies you can watch all over again, as it's just so easy to watch. The movie itself tells a stereotypical story of a middle aged man named Lester Burnham and how his life is pretty much as boring as it gets. His daughter and wife thinks he's a loser and he also pretty much agrees with that. He's depressed, but suddenly one day he feels this desire of love and another life when he sees his daughter Jane's friend Angela for the first time. He decides to turn his life around and finally start living it.

To be honest, the beginning arrangements of the plot aren't so original. There has been so much movies with a middle aged man who's in a life crisis and decides to take over his life and so on and so on. Despite that, this movie actually does it in a pretty good way and the whole storyline is so brilliant when it builds up. It's hilarious and it's dramatic, both well done and in the same package. It's not just the story which makes it so good, it's the characters who are pretty much stereotypical yet performed by an amazing cast. I've been watching a lot of Kevin Spacey -movies recently and I must say that the role of Lester Burnham is one of the best fitting roles I've seen him doing. He's just so excellent in the role and he even got a well deserved Academy Award of it. There's just something about Kevin Spacey I like, I don't know if it's the whole personality and substance or is it that perfect, I wouldn't say monotonic, but a flat voice which just has this certain charisma and credibility. Spacey also narrates the movie as Lester and the voice and the way he speaks is just so superb when you're looking at the whole main theme of the movie. Kevin Spacey is without a doubt the best thing the movie has to offer.

The man responsible for the music is Thomas Newman, who I haven't heard composing even anything near average, his music is always top notch no matter what the movie was. I'd say there are two different music themes in "American Beauty", one taking place when the funny comedic scenes take part and the other one being beautiful and slow when the dramatic scenes take part. The music sort of transports the whole movie forward, being so necessary for the plot as well. I shouldn't just praise Spacey's performance yet he surely takes the cake by far. Like I mentioned before, the whole cast is amazing. Lester's wife Carolyn played by Annette Bening, who I really haven't enjoyed as much as in "American Beauty". Being a total hypocrite dreaming of a better luxurious life it makes the role of Carolyn a spot on for Bening. Then there's Thora Birch as Lester's daughter Jane, who's an insecure teenager, Wes Bentley as Ricky Fits the real estate king and Mena Suvari as the school's dream girl and Jane's friend Angela who Lester fixes his eyes on. It was also a pleasant surprise to see Scott Bakula in a so surreal role as one of the gay neighbours after seeing him constantly on the cult classic "Quantum Leap".

Although the movie being very good I think it still is pretty overrated. There's actually nothing particularly unique in the movie, expect those amazing role performances. It really doesn't offer anything mind blowing as even when it has originality it still is more like a stereotypical image of life seen many times on the screen. I wouldn't say I'm bored of it, but more like just wanting someone to invent something really new and unique even when having stereotypical beginning arrangements on the plot. This movie is a pretty good achievement in that category but like said it still isn't as unique as you could imagine. This might be just because I had seen the movie before and I remembered all the twists of the plot unconsciously. It's a real pity as this might have been a total different review if I'd seen it for the first time. Somehow it still manages to be a great movie and despite me jumping all over the negative and positive sides of the movie it still is a definite recommendation and because of the flow it is really easy to watch. Kevin Spacey is starting to be one of my all time favourite actors and not just because of this movie, but the amazing work he always does.
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