Review of Noise

Noise (I) (2007)
At Last! No heroin addicts.
31 May 2007
That's right – an Australian drama with no heroin addicts. It is possible and it can still result in high quality piece of cinema.

This isn't to say Noise is a light piece. No, no. It's is a very serious-minded and thoughtfully produced film. The mood is carefully and slowly created and the places where things happen feel real (though I will say there were some overly self-conscious scripted moments that didn't ring true to me). And like life – some of the big questions in this movie go unanswered.

It's a brave thing to do but as an audience member, you realise Noise isn't trying to be a police drama or a murder mystery, though those elements are both there. It's more about how things just happen – people come into your life, events take you over and you can't control any of it, all you can do is deal with the consequences.

Noise is one of those rare films that stays with you for some time after you see it. No car chases, no explosions – just emotional engagement and a place to consider how you're coping with the hijacks and loose cannons in your own life.
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