Review of Cat City

Cat City (1986)
Just a light film
18 May 2007
This film took me a while to watch I must admit. Despite its Hungarian roots, I felt like I 've seen this film before...when I was about 8. Aside from the proficient spoofs of Bond movies, which I admit I don't have a serious interest in, the film doesn't seem to appear to aim for anything more then comedy aimed at those who do. The animation was very reminiscent of the animation from the 60's, in which I wouldn't place to much blame on a small budget film like this. But the movie doesn't survive in any advanced cleverness, at least from my American point of view. There were some moments when I chuckled. The film isn't completely devoid of intelligence, and the characterization, mostly with the antagonists, is strong. In fact, they earned the most laughs, specifically the troop of rats hired to take out the James Bond-like mouse hero and the bumbling cats who hired them. Many of the character designs and situations are imaginative. I also like the scene with the bats and the smooth saxophone music. There is a chance the English dub (no other choice on the DVD) is of lesser quality, but I think it's obvious that the film isn't easily accessible outside its intended audience. All in all, not really a must see for animation fans. It just doesn't stand up well on its own.
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