Enjoying this movie would make you a sinner!
24 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Well, where do I even start? Last October, I wasn't allowed to take part in Halloween so instead I had to go with some of my family relatives to see "The Devil Wears Prada". Like all movies I go to see, I make the most out of them and try to enjoy them as much as I can. And needless to say, if there's any movie I'd like to burn, it's "Prada". Why do I hate this so much? I'd love to say, there's so many reasons why this movie should be avoided.

This movie is mean't to be a Comedy/Drama. Well, they're right about the Drama part but not so much about the Comedy part. This movie just simply wasn't that funny at all and the humour was not only very bland and lifeless but the movie's humour was also quite abusive and sexist (which is surprising for a movie that's aimed at mainly a female audience and yes, unfortunately the sexism is being directed towards women). There's one scene where some of the characters in Runaway Magazine HQ tell Andy Sachs (played by Anne Hathaway) that she is too fat, even if she is obviously not fat in the slightest and in a decade where you see TV news headlines talking about the fact that more and more women are *dying* because they're suffering from anorexia, this sort of stuff being in a movie aimed at mostly young women is completely unacceptable and in a way also encourages more and more young people to falsely bully other people for image problems they don't have, just because they found it funny in a movie like this, also unacceptable for a movie with audiences like "Prada"s.

Not only that but also, as the movie progresses, it gets less and less funny and it feels as though you're watching a serious drama about divorce and the fickleness of popularity instead of a comedy/drama about a girl trying to do ridiculous tasks to try and get a job for a magazine run by a very bossy fashion expert. And on top of that, the direction of all the scenes involving Runaway HQ and it's editor Miranda (played by Meryl Streep) seem all too familiar to all the scenes involving Cruella DeVil (played by Glenn Close) and her fashion studio in the 1996 live-action remake of the Disney classic "101 Dalmatians".

Without exaggeration, this movie was really painful to watch and the worst movie I ever went to a cinema to see so far (even worse than "Spice World: The Movie", but not by much). And I wasn't the only person there who hated this movie, all my other family relatives hated it and felt as though the time they spent seeing this movie was wasted. If you're thinking of renting this movie, don't bother. Save your money and your precious time, trust me, you really aren't missing much at all.

I give this movie, 1 out of 5 (or if possible, 0.5).
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