How would you like to blow up two or three enemy ships in a neutral harbor?
8 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The film opens with incredibly accurate information that Forty-six freighters were sunk by the German submarines in the Indian Ocean in the past few weeks… The U-boats know exactly where and when to strike…

On one hand, we also know that the Portuguese authorities dismantled the ships' radios when they gave them permission to stay there… On the other, if Radio Monitoring is right, and the transmitter is actually in the harbor, it must be on a ship…

Not being able to break the code, the British Intelligence has to find out from where the information to those U-boats originates… To find whoever heads the spy ring, and to get rid of the transmitter without forgetting to violate Portugal's neutrality…

Now if a British Commando cannot violate Goa's neutral status, they might have to turn to amateurs… The Light Horse has not been in action as a unit since the Boer War in 1900… If they were caught, it might be taken as a drunken escapade… We are speaking about ex-soldiers on holiday, stealing a river ferry, sailing it the whole way round India from Calcutta to Cochin… and then heading for the neutral port of Mormugoa, Portuguese colony...

In that port, at anchor is a German ship, the Ehrenfels… Their job is to seize that ship, or sink her where she is… Also in that port are two other German ships so if they can knock them off at the same time, so much the better…

As you can see it is a crucial operation where many allied lives might be saved…

David Niven is the only man with any experience at sea…Charlie Wilton will remain aboard to nurse the engine of the old tub… Trevor Howard will have his only chance to settle accounts for his boy killed in Burma… Roger Moore has to deal with some spies… Peck has to lead the whole suicide adventure…

The film moves along beautifully, reaching an exciting and tense climax… Don't miss it!
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