Spanglish (2004)
Not bad, though I thought this would be at least a little more funny
7 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was a good movie, but the only problem was that when I was looking at the movie poster for this, I thought this would be more of a comedy than a drama. If you haven't seen this movie, than read no further, 'cause I'm giving away some parts in the movie. I may be wrong, but the only things that were funny to me was when the woman hit her nose against the glass wall, and when the little girl swore in front of her mother and her mother gave her a shocking look. Those were pretty funny. I will give this movie kudos, though, by showing how two families can have controversy, but still end up understanding each other, just not in the same language. I think you'll like this movie, but if it's all laugh-out comedy you're looking for, this isn't quite what you want.
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