JAG: Hail and Farewell: Part 1 (2004)
Season 9, Episode 23
Hail & Farewell was A.J. Chegwidden's finest hour
1 February 2007
This television series JAG had the perfect ensemble cast, great writers, sound background research. I always felt, as a detached viewer of JAG, that I was right there in the room with the actors and actresses. They always made me feel as though I was a part of the story, an unnamed yet vital colleague who was privy to their deepest innermost feelings and emotions. Especially AJ Chegwidden, the Navy SEAL admiral who ran his JAG office with an iron hand, yet always managed to treat everyone humanely and with great dignity. This particular episode was very sad for me, because of the way I admired and respected the actor and the role he played in the series. To see him just walk away from his military good-bye party was almost heartbreaking, and I must admit shedding a tear or two at his departure. John Jackson made that role HIS role, over the six seasons at the helm of the JAG office. I would appreciate any chance possible to thank him personally for his work in JAG. Kinda wish he had been one of my commanders, when I served in the US military many years ago.
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