The most intriguing and absorbing of all Espionage/CIA thrillers.
23 December 2006
A highly intriguing,very absorbing and ambitious epic that is carefully executed with dead pan seriousness.It's one of those fascinating failures that should be put aside and analyzed separately,in the likes of Life Aquatic,I heart Huckabees etc.It's one of those unique films that aren't entirely successful but leave a heavy impact.And De Niro's epic is one such film.It's so interesting that it keeps you hooked in the situations,in its characters but ultimately,you lose interest and will find it hard to digest as it comes close to three hours of running time and feels too long.

But it nevertheless deserves a lot of praise.A film that took a long time to come to the screen and when it comes,you realize how much work is put into this anatomy of the birth of CIA.And Eric Roth's complex script aided by De Niro's impressive direction makes this one of the most intriguing of all Spy/Espionage/CIA films.

Edward Wilson believes in his job more than anything in the world.He would put his life to risk to serve his nation.But the more deeper he goes into what he does,the more wreaked he becomes.His job requires him to isolate virtually from everyone,including his family.Spending a lot of time away from home just to get the job done.His life becomes a puzzle and a living hell as he's surrounded by people he doesn't know whether to trust or not.He is committed and all but he is left as an inhumane being.A being who is devoid of emotions and has forgotten who he was and what he has become.As the cold war and the rise of CIA plagues him,he is filled with paranoia and fear as he begins to lose touch with reality and is afraid to make contact with anyone.He becomes a ghost.

Matt Damon's performance is mesmerizing.It's a very sophisticated character to play and he gets into the character and expresses everything the character goes through.Never once he makes you feel like he's himself. He becomes the character, he becomes a man who seems to be a reflection of a ghost.Increasingly isolating himself from his family just to get the job done, makes him all the more gripping.He does a terrific job,which is evident.It is his best performance to date, believe it or not. He has your attention throughout the long running time and never once letting you get fed up of his character. His expressions and his movement all makes you feel sad for this character.

De Niro,who also has an important role in the film,comes off with an impressive work. He presents a fascinating character study and anatomy of CIA workings, for-adults only picture that should go down as the most intriguing films about Espionage to come to screen.And as a director he gets full points for setting up mesmerizing shots with his DOP and showing us a very ambitious epic that might be flawed, but is something really to look out for. For me, it was the best Spy film since the Bourne movies.

But the film lacks a strong emotional value.Whether it's deliberate or not,it's up to the viewer.But I felt it did show the human side of Edward Wilson. And the relationship between him and his wife was brilliantly presented.Their quarrels and troubled relationship and all are was well executed. But Jolie wasn't all that impressive.

Apart from them,the rest of the big cast was brilliant.The production boosts high quality and is filled with intricate and stunning moments.The cinematography is flawless but the editing was weak.The film needed to be trimmed for at least 20-25 minutes.It often feels like he's presented us his Director's cut.But I think it was very necessary. De Niro took his time to show the details and rise of the CIA, and I fully praise him for that.The length might feel long but it was required.

At your own risk,watch the film if you want.But don't expect lots of action like those Bourne films delivered or explosions Spy Game delivered.It's a thoughtful,deeply psychological drama.It's a thriller.It's one of the best films of the year,and it certainly is worth checking out for its ambitious presentation.And it's way better than the somewhat disappointing GOOD German.If you could bear its running time,you might find yourselves absorbed into it.

B+ 4/5
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