Utter Tripe
23 December 2006
I have never eaten tripe. I lack the courage. I cannot say if tripe is good or bad, and I know of people who love it, but I do not dare to find out either way. Let's say that I am right, and a mouthful of tripe is the worst thing that can happen to a person; I would rather have a mouthful of tripe than sit through 5 minutes of this film again.

Let's try to be fair. This movie is so focused and small, that it just may not travel well. I have enjoyed many Australian films, and I make it a point to seek them out when I am looking for something new, but this movie would be awful no matter what country produced it.

I tried to end the review at this point, but I am required to enter a minimum of ten lines of text to successfully enter this comment. That is far more than this movie rates.
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