Review of Babel

Babel (I) (2006)
Pointless examination of four cultures with nothing in common except their awfulness
23 November 2006
An exercise in self-indulgence, this film will give those who think multi-culturalism is NOT a good thing confirmation of such. Each culture should just stay in their own place and not bring their customs down onto another society- that appears to be the message in this long drawn out, pointless and rather sobering film.

A film in which every participant made the wrong choices, and suffered consequently; a film in which there was an absurd link between the father of a Japanese girl with a huge psychological problem and two young Moroccan boys who used the rifle their father had been given by the Japanese man when he was on a hunting expedition and shot the wife of an American couple on a tour bus. This same couple had thoughtlessly (selfishly?) left their young children with a Mexican lady while they took their trip to Morocco and expected the lady not to go to her own son's wedding. She goes anyway and takes the children who are then witness to traditions which, in this film, showed up as third-world shenanigans passing for culture in that country. Why Brad Pitt's family went through such trauma is unaccountable, but things happen when the wrong energy is sent out. Why Brad Pitt became involved with this dire film at all is also a mystery, unless it was packaged to him in a different way, owed someone a favour or got paid lots of money.

Humanity at its worst. A ghastly film that left a despairing taste in the mouth.
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