Austin Movie Show review - brave, real, nauseating (in a good way!)
17 November 2006
Richard Linklater did a tremendous job at turning Eric Schlosser's best-selling investigative book "Fast Food Nation" into a shocking and inspiring piece of fiction. "Fast Food Nation" (the movie) has a giant all-star cast and focuses primarily on three intersecting story lines – the corporate executive who investigates claims that there is fecal matter in their meat patties, the teenage girl who works at a fast-food restaurant but becomes an environmental activist, and the illegal Mexican immigrants who risk their lives and dignity to work in the heinous slaughter houses and meat-packing plants.

Do see this movie, but trust me when I advise you to not eat before walking into the theater. There are graphic and nauseating shots of cows getting killed, skinned, decapitated, having their limbs chopped off, having their organs pulled off, etc. It's not pretty, but it's real, and we all need to be aware of where our food comes from because we all need to be more responsible consumers.
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