Casino Royale (2006)
Good attempt Craiggy... But Sean remains best...!!
19 November 2006
Coming straight to the point. Has Denial Craig passed the acid test...?? Is he the right inheritor of the legend...?? Verdict: very good attempt. At least he has made the critics chew their tongue, who had blasted him off as soon as he was signed to portray the sexy spy and take the baton from Brosanan. But the words going round that he is best bond is appreciation done a bit too much. Sean remains the best bond. In fact Craig has still to match the charisma of even Brasanan. He lends the required spark in the character with good physique, good action and graceful sturdy yet venerable looks.

So Denial Craig almost passes the test, but the film as a whole is disappointing, lacking the high octane action sequences, the trademark of Bond films. Also lacking is the legendary Bond music, which u only get to hear when credit roll in the end. Even the Bond girls, though nice, but fail to raise the temptation.

But the film ends on a promising note when Craiggy dressed in classy tuxedo marks the arrival of new Bond and concludes with the words you would be dieing to hear all through the film.... The name is Bond. James Bond.
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