Not bad,could've been a great film.However, you can't help but feel really disappointed.
6 November 2006
Da Vinci Code is one of those novels that I kept reading over and over again and yet be bewildered by its twists,turns and surprises.It was a book that had my jaw dropped wide open until I had finished the whole book and solved all the mysteries and yet kept me hooked into it.It was an addictive book with facts that may or may not be true.But it had everyone under its spell.It's one of the smartest and most brilliantly written books,where the fun never stops.A book where you will not be able to stop turning the pages.The twists,the surprises to the end of the book will hold your breath.That was the magic of the book and it was the finest I've read in a long time.

No doubt a movie was to be made.But could that film live up to its source?That is rarely a possibility,especially when the film is booked as Hollywood Blockbuster.The film is neither good or bad.It isn't a terrible film,it's just too bland and straightforward that you are able to predict everything that goes on.Even the minor alterations become obvious.I had massive expectations ,like everyone.With a skilled director,with a great cast and a producer who has produced good movies.It was bound to be great.Except,the writer was Akiva Goldsman.That's where I went all skeptical about the film.If you check his resume,it will shock you that why did the producers hired him.But then again,he did Beautiful Mind.

A great pedigree on its shoulders,it should've been great.But no,the film's execution is so uneven and so messy that you are unable to find any good points about the film.We all the know the story too well.But at least the makers could've changed it a bit rather than making a way too faithful book to screen presentation.Everything,sadly,becomes too predictable,leaving no surprises.

The book had an excellent setting,and an exciting pace that kept your hands turning the pages.The film has none of the excitement and an uneven pace that will either bore you with its dull conversations or will want you to yell out loud.I mean ,even the book's conversations felt so entertaining,whereas the film's felt so banal.There scene that were really lame and poorly executed.Something I didn't expect from Howard.And of course,lifting almost 80% of its source.When it comes to chases and action,it's fine.But when it comes to the revelations and explanations,it becomes cheesy and lame and you laugh at its execution.In the book,the the factoids explanations was what hooked you in and made the book such a classic,but in the film the facts and explanations seem really boring and lame,poorly done except for its flashback sequences,which were impressive.

The only saving grace here are some standout performances and accurate casting.Sir Ian Mckellen couldn't have been better cast in a role that I pictured him playing when I read the book.His perfect portrayal of Leigh Teabing is what makes this film worthwhile, for a while.Although,after the big reveal he is just another actor disposed.Another actor who took me by surprise was Paul Bettany as Silas.I never thought of him playing a role like this,but he just proved his talent.He manages to evoke the emotions of his character and his chilling performance really makes Silas come alive.Hanks is a terrible miscast.Perhaps his worst role yet. His portrayal of Langdon is dull and expressionless.His wooden acting really disappoints me,as I had expected more.When it was announced that he would be Langdon,I was excited.But I guess it didn't matter now.While reading the book,the only actress that struck my mind who would be perfect for Sophie Neveau was lovely Audrey Tautou.The character's description matches with her and she was well cast.Except,she couldn't pull it off.She looks totally silly with her weak accent.The makers made a joke out of the character.Most of the times,when she delivers a classic line from the book,I'd be having chuckles.She was a let down to a great character.Alfred Molino is fine.But he's underused.And Jean Reno plays his routine cop character,which I've seen many times before.I had no one else in mind who would play him but he just lets down.And as the smartest character of the book is turned into the stupidest character in the book,Jacque Sauniere.There was more depth in the character in the novel than it is in the film.

Director Ron Howard pulls a few surprising elements and handles a number of scenes with his skills but overall he lets down big time as he couldn't hold the film well.His visual taste is fine but doesn't apply to the film.Forget about the writer,he's just made a terrible adaptation.The film has a stunning look to it.It's visually entertaining.Even if under uses its masterful setting it still manages to capture the essence of the book.The score is fine while the editing could've been better.The flashbacks or the re-tellings of the past events were the key highlights of this film.That's what succeeds in the film.

Once again,the book-better-than-the-film claim could be easily applied here.What could have been a great translation,is turned into a bloated and disappointing film.It succeeds in only few parts.But regardless of all that,there is a lot to enjoy in this brainless adaptation.It is ridiculously entertaining.It has a gripping atmosphere that will keep you interested as long as it can.It's certainly loads of fun. But don't expect a classic.Another could've been better film.
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