An example of an excellent actress
19 October 2006
"Sophie's Choice" is a vivid portrayal of the human side of World War II and the holocaust. The setting is post-World War II, late 1940s Brooklyn, New York.

Meryl Streep is Sophie Zawistowski, a Polish immigrant. This is the movie that caused all of us to fall in love with Ms. Streep. Her performance is impeccable. In some scenes, she is flawlessly dressed, and absolutely beautiful, while in others she is completely dehumanized at the hands of the Nazi Germans, and yet Meryl Streep is completely convincing throughout the film. Her accent sounds genuine, and you feel Sophie's pain throughout the movie.

Kevin Kline is Nathan Landau, Sophie's mentally unstable boyfriend who meets her in Brooklyn. Kline's performance as the 'Jekyl and Hyde' Nathan is ominously realistic. Peter MacNicol is Stingo, a naive young writer from the South who moves into the same building as Sophie and Nathan. Stingo soon learns the secrets Sophie and Nathan have been keeping from each other.

This movie will keep you on the edge of your seat. The acting is brilliant, especially by Meryl Streep. This movie contains one of the most haunting scenes ever depicted in film history.

"Sophie's Choice" is an excellent film that portrays the suffering many endured during World War II.
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