Weak like Fahrenheit 9/11
14 October 2006
I am very unfortunate as I am also named Michael Moore, and have lived with the stigma of sharing the name of a guy who makes very biased and poorly supported documentaries for several years now. I don't hate all of his movies, 'Canadian Bacon' was hilarious; but much like 'Fahrenheit 9/11,' 'Bowling for Columbine' shares the same media paranoia that Moore blames on all of the problems with America. It is not that I totally disagree with his points...the media is focused on sensationalism and I for one can no longer stand to watch either the local news or even Fox or CNN. But Moore's arguments have no sustaining points to them. An interview with Marilyn Manson showing what a loving and caring person he is doesn't offset Manson's lyrics or stage antics...he is a promoter of glorified death because it sells to all the Emos who feel they are "misunderstood." What a new phenomenon that is, anyone remember when rock & roll first emerged in the 50's and how it was seen as the catalyst to the end of civilization? Nope, not me as I wasn't born yet; but I have heard the stories.

Moore's antics at K-Mart are a joke as well, blaming the company for the mis-use of ammunition bought from one of its stores. What if the two killers at Columbine had used Wüsthof kitchen knives? Should Nike or whoever's shoes they wore be also to blame? The Columbine High School massacre was a senseless tragedy, but one carried out by Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold (and which wasn't the most deadliest school attack ever, the Bath School bombing gets that distinction). Harris and Klebold already have a track record and were well on their way to becoming professional criminals. Both were considered to have a lack of moral judgment and needed psychiatric help. However, Moore conveniently skips over these important facts and goes right to the tools they used to implement their hatred upon others. Also, what about Mark Manes and Robyn Anderson, who illegally sold and gave the firearms to Harris and Klebold? Why isn't their involvement documented by Moore? Bottom line, this is another sensationalized documentary from a guy who likes to see himself on the big screen. It is inaccurate and misleading in its presentations and Moore likes to misshape interpretations of events to support his beliefs. This only got worse in 'Fahrenheit 9/11.' Don't watch either on a full stomach.

I only wish someone would limit Moore's right to free speech as much as he would like to limit everyone else's right to bear arms!
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