Technical flaws ruin the whole thing.
14 October 2006
When you see the cover of this DVD it would appear to be a big time picture, but looks can be deceiving. Here are some gripes I had about this film:

1) The video quality appears to be something from an entry level consumer video camera.

2) Shots taken on the streets have massive camera bobbing and make you feel sick and unable to focus.

3)The audio almost never syncs with the video. In fact sometimes it's a full second off.

4) The volume must often be turned way up to hear certain scenes.

5) The actors dialog always seems muffled.

6) There are no subtitles to understand extremely muffled scenes which makes it hard to follow the plot.

7) Even shots taken from a stationary point have an unsteady camera view. They never bothered buying a tripod I suppose.

As for the quality of the story... I really can't give that an honest opinion because I simply couldn't catch it all due to the above technical flaws. I really wish it had subtitles it would be possible to follow.

All-in-all: Rent something else. This is too difficult to watch. The parts you can actually hear seem interesting, but you just can't follow most of it without subtitles --which aren't present.
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