Review of Paper Moon

Paper Moon (1973)
What movie am I confusing "Paper Moon" with?
26 September 2006
TCM showed "Paper Moon" a few nights ago. I taped it and just finished watching it. Loved it. Who couldn't?

Here is a scene I thought I remembered being in the movie, but which I found (to my great disappointment) was not:

Tatum O'Neal (I think) works in a carnival, selling tickets. There is a scene where a rube buys a ticket and Tatum cheats him in making change. Her ticket booth is up high; the rube cannot clearly see the bills being counted out.

The scene goes by very quickly. I wanted to see it again, because a clerk recently tried to cheat me in a similar fashion and I wanted to compare her technique with Tatum's. Can someone help me? What movie have I confused with "Paper Moon"?
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