Review of Arabesque

Arabesque (1966)
Maybe I've lost my sense of humor
5 August 2006
I'd love to be smoking whatever the other reviewers are smoking! I don't believe I've ever seen a worse movie with such top stars. There is a plot, but it's little used except to hang lots of shots of beautiful Sofia and the equally beautiful Gregory Peck. If that's all you're interested in, this is the movie for you. The acting is terrible. I can't think of one believable moment in the film. It's like horrible science fiction without the science.

If your girlfriend had been kidnapped at knife point, wouldn't you ask her about it when she wandered home the next day? Peck whispers something in the ear of a Buckingham Palace guard that causes him to faint. Does that really work? Fantasy is fun, stupidity rarely.

Having just watched it, I can hardly write this review because I'm still in shock at how bad it was. Beautifully shot, rich colors, fabulous set and clothes. But oh sweet mother of pearl what a rotten movie. What was Mr. Donen thinking? You may enjoy watching it to laugh how bad it is, but it's comforting to me that most of the cast are dead so they don't have to continue to be embarrassed. I can't say enough bad things about this waste of 105 minutes of good film. Ack!
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