Review of Saw II

Saw II (2005)
Please don't tell me any of you thought this was good!
13 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was absolutely awful. For one, what the hell is up with movies nowadays that they need to have twenty to thirty cuts for every second of footage? Watching this movie reminds me of the time that I got electrocuted for a couple of seconds. I could barely concentrate watching this heap of poo. I blame MTV for this one.

What I really hate about this film is that the villain is just TOO goddamn smart. I'm sorry but in order to plan anything even halfway to the level that Jigsaw did in this film would require an IQ of at least alien proportions, not to mention an ability to see into the future and predict a person's every move. I can appreciate that this is a movie and all but come on, this was just ridiculous. You had this guy making schemes so complicated that even Leonard Nimoy would've been left scratching his head had he read the script. This movie has nothing on the dozens of other movies it has ripped off and frankly, I'm going to die happy knowing I never have to watch it again.

I will say that there are some good deaths but the movie is so bad that it just renders it all useless. Yeah there are some scenes that will freak people out but come on, this is far from good stuff. And before I forget, Franky G, (who plays Xavier the muscle bound retard whose role in the film seems to be to make Hispanics look bad... I'm Hispanic myself so I can say that) is absolutely horrendous in this. I found myself wanting to jam my thumbs in my eyes whenever he did so much as speak.

A few things save this from being a COMPLETE waste of time: some good murders, a semi interesting ending and Donnie Wahlberg who always surprises me with how bad he can be when he wants to be.

No more Saw movies, I beg you!

RATING * and a 1/2 out of *****.
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