Review of Popeye

Popeye (1980)
A lot of people don't like it. I hates them best
12 July 2006
There is something about this movie. It's bizarre, unconventional, over-the-top, unbelievable, mildly offensive, short, and disjunct. There isn't really a plot, there isn't really character development or growth, there aren't really any poignant speeches or commentaries about anything at all relevant to the real world. But, who cares?

The quality that this movie has is that, it is so far removed from what one might expect from any movie, that you can't help but enjoy it. I think the only people that won't enjoy it are the types that are simply looking for specific things that they look for in all movies, or the types that can't accept something that doesn't make sense because it's not trying to make sense.

The movie is innocent and child-like, with a fascinating tone to it. Half the cast are Circus performers fercrissakes! All said and done, the Casting *is* remarkable. Everyone is cast about as perfectly as you could ever imagine for a translation of all the characters from Popeye. The Sets are pretty fantastic too. The songs are all strange, but they blend with the movie perfectly.

Once you get over your preconceptions about what a movie should or shouldn't be, you will enjoy this. You can't not enjoy it really. One reviewer said that not enjoying this movie is analogous to not enjoying puppies and babies playing with rubber duckies in a bubble bath. I think that is appropriate. The sheer detached nature of this film and it's complete lack of substance, combined with some truly clever wit and subversive humor, make it a real gem for anyone that enjoys the finer things in life.
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